[vc_row][vc_column][it_heading heading_style=”style9″ text=””]Dr. R. I. K. Moorthy, Principal, PCE[/it_heading][vc_column_text]
Dr. R. I. K. Moorthy, Principal and HOD of Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Moorthy holds a doctorate degree in engineering from I.I.T. Bombay and has over 35 years of professional experience. He has carried out R and D in frontier technology areas within the country during his long career in BARC. Under the Indo-German bilateral agreement, he has carried out research and development in structural diagnostics in GRS, Munich (Germany) during the period 1984-86.
He was also associated with leading institutes of Technology in the country. Dr. Moorthy had worked as a full time Visiting Professor at IIT, Guwahati during its formative years in 1998-2000. He has about 50 publications in International Journals / Conferences and national publications.
From The Principal’s Desk
Dear Students,
Welcome to Pillai Group of Institutions. I am happy that you and your parents have made a decision to be a engineering Professional. I am equally glad that you have wisely chosen our institute to build your career in Engineering. The profession that you have chosen has vast scope and our Institute trains you to meet the expectations of the challenging career that lies ahead for you.
Engineering education has been among the key enablers of growth for transforming India’s economy. Though there is huge demand for the knowledge professionals, the quality of teaching and research will play a crucial role in the emergence of our country as a global knowledge leader. Quality education provides vital inputs for enhancing productivity across sectors. To meet the growing demand for manpower there has been eight-fold increase in the number of engineering institutions in the last two decades. The distinguishing factor between the different Institutes will be the quality of training imparted to the student. This is the area where PIIT is very strong with highly qualified and experienced faculty members imparting in-depth knowledge in Engineering.
The laboratories are fully equipped with advanced facilities to hone the practical skills. The opportunity and facility that we provide will transform the enthusiastic student into a thorough engineering Professional.